For the next twelve days, I bring you the Kindness Challenge! Each day I will be posting one small act of kindness that you can try out this holiday season. Although this is a holiday challenge, my goal is to encourage you to form these as habits to continue practicing into the new year!
Day One
Write a positive comment on your favorite blog, website, or a friend’s social media account. Send a loved one a sweet word or two to brighten their day. I challenge you to Share kindness and encourage others to as well. I hope you begin to build awareness and practice Kindness everyday so that becomes instinctual.
Day Two
Everyone is important. Learn the names of your office security guard, the person at the front desk and other people you see every day. Greet them by name. Also say “hello” to strangers and smile. This challenge is one of my favorites because it forces us to look around and see how many people we interact with day to day. These acts of kindness are so easy and they almost always make people smile!
Day Three
When you hear that discouraging voice in your head, tell yourself something positive — you deserve kindness too! Working on kindness in your own home court can start with positive self talk or self care. i try to be gentle with myself when I am feeling the weight of the world and i hope this encourages you to as well!
Day Four
Leave a box of goodies or baked treats in your mailbox for your mail carrier. If you are feeling extra kind, why not add a thankful hand written card? This is just another excuse for me to dive into my kitchen ingredients and Bake something yummy. I never really get to touch base with my mail carrier, like ever. Today I'll be adding a little holiday surprise with my outgoing mail.
Day Five
Set an alarm on your phone to go off at three different times during the day. In those moments, do something kind for someone else. Set that alarm for 12 pm, 3pm and 6pm! So excited to hear the creative ways you shared love today!
Day Six
Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it. You get a compliment! you get a compliment! you get one too! Compliments all around!
Day Seven
Put twelve notes in a box. On each cutout write something that is special about your loved one or a friend. Give them the box and tell them to pull out a note anytime they need a pick-me-up. Move over Peter Kavinsky, We'll be the ones writing the love notes this season. As you write your notes, notice what you are feeling. Feeling good? Yup, that's what kindness does for the soul.
Day Eight
Help a teacher get the supplies needed for class. let’s you support schools and teachers in your community so students can get the tools, supplies and experiences they need for a great education. Both my sister and my mom are elementary school teachers. Every year, I see them going out of their way (using their own money) to purchase supplies or goodies for their students. Why not help out and show a little kindness to the loving teachers who go above and beyond to make education special.
Day Nine
Bring your a friend, family member, co-worker or a loved one coffee. They'll appreciate the thoughtful gesture. My friends and i are serial coffee givers. We fight over who is buying the coffee every time we meet up. It's become our norm to show a little coffee kindness whenever we can.
Day Ten
Pass along a great book you've just finished reading. Tell the person you're gifting why you loved it and why you wanted them to read it. Spark a conversation. I always love a book exchange! I plan on passing along my recent read by Rachel Hollis to my friend, who will probably pass it along to another friend. I love being about to create a chain reaction of kindness.
Day Eleven
Leave a bouquet of flowers on your friend's door-step with a sweet letter. Nobody can resist a surprise on Christmas eve! Can't wait to hear about the surprised reactions you get from your friends. DM me photos of the flowers on the doorsteps!
Day Twelve
Breakfast in bed is the perfect way to show kindness to your loved one! Whip something up in the kitchen and plate it out for them to enjoy cozied up in their comforters. As a foodie, I has to include a kindness act that involved cooking.